HI!! My name is Valerie Lathern (pronounced lay thern) and I’d like to welcome you to my blog-WhatstheSHIP.com. The internet gives EVERYONE the opportunity to have a voice but how we choose to use that voice is a personal choice and at WhatstheSHIP.com, I choose to use my blog to uplift, motivate, inspire, and encourage MYSELF and others to live our best lives.
I was born, raised, and currently live in Inglewood, CA. and I’ve lived a somewhat cushioned life. Not wealthy but raised by parents who throughout my childhood ALWAYS seized the opportunity to instill tidbits of wisdom which I call “motherwit” even when I didn’t want to hear it. Years later, I realized that these constant “motherwit” lessons were the beginning stages of the development of my common sense.
My parents have always given us the freedom to express our thoughts and to speak our minds. Even though I can’t recall a time it changed the punishment, it was certainly liberating being heard even with the discipline. As a result, I’ve always been opinionated and/or at best vocal. But, it was attending and graduating from college that further solidified my desire to have a voice, to be heard and to make a difference.
I love motivating and encouraging others for greatness even if I sometimes don’t encourage or motivate myself. I’ve been told for years that I should be a motivational speaker but sometimes I needed to be motivated. I’ve been told that I am inspirational but I’ve too needed inspiration. I finally realized that my varied and numerous life experiences, failures, and successes IF shared can assist others in navigating through their own chaotic life adventures.
TRUST me. I know first hand that navigating through life’s various relationSHIPS CAN BE and IS exhausting. But, no matter how tired or weary we become, we MUST muster up enough strength to encourage OURSELVES to get off the sidelines and get back to living our best lives. We MUST become our own biggest and loudest cheerleader. Some days, we may YELL RAH, RAH and other days we may only have the ability to eke out rah, rah. No matter the volume, we MUST ALWAYS cheer and root for ourselves along life’s journey.
Recognizing that ALL relationSHIPS start with self, at WhatstheSHIP.com, I will create thought-provoking, comical, interesting and entertaining posts designed to provide insight into OURSELVES and others as we navigate through the various relationSHIPS we find ourselves in. Bon Voyage, Let’s set sail!